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Won't fix [5284] Broken Quest: "The Elven Tower II"


Game version: 0.15.13480-087e06d-(master) (2015-05-05 14:45)

Game world: beta1
Browser + version: Chrome Version 42.0.2311.135 m
Flash Player version: 17,0,0,169
Operating System:
Screen resolution: __
Account name: gwendolin
Humans or Elves: elves


Quest title: The Elven Tower II: The Scaffolding

Current situation:
Task: gain 500 planks. so i have made offers on market and gain 4x150 planks.
but quest will not be solved

Expected situation:

quest should solved.

Reproduction Steps
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this issue Gwendolin.

Are there any other players experiencing issues with this particular quest? If so, could you please fill in the same template as Gwendolin, since we're currently investigating these quest-related issues. Thank you very much! :)


buy planks solve the quest.
but gain from offers dont solve.
i have test again.


Well-Known Member
Hi Gwendolin,

Thank you for the additional info here. Should anyone also have this quest open, could you please try this as well?
We have been able to reproduce this issue. It seems to happen when you create trades on the market and others accept those. If you accept trades of others, it does count towards the quest.