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Cannot reproduce [33034] Ranking in not available....


Game version: v1.110-beta.8-(cc726b7) (2020-07-24 13:26)
HTML5 Yes/No: Yes
Game world: ZZ1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: https://mybrowser.fyi/report/5f1aeea58d30fe0015c1d2ff
Flash Player version: -
Operating System or Mobile Device: Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
App version: -
Screen resolution: 1920x1200
Account name: Lord Soth
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:
Go to last page of Rankings and you get this:

Back/Forward buttons ain't working either.

Page 1327 is still OK.

Expected situation:
Rankings for last page and Back/Forward buttons to work.

Reproduction Steps:
  1. Reload game
  2. Open Rankings > You'll see your Rank, so far everything is OK
  3. Go to last page > Ranking in not available at the moment...