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Fixed [31502] Use Pet food and have Dragon Abbey


Well-Known Member
Game version: 1.102.2-f7e76dd-256 (dk 1.102) - I don't have the Dragon in Beta, off this reason I have screendump from live.
HTML5 Yes/No:
Game world:
Browser/IOS/Android + version: IOS 13.4.1
Flash Player version:
Operating System or Mobile Device: IPhone
Screen resolution:
Account name: Eltina
Humans or Elves: Elves

5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: (if applicable)

Current situation:
I didn't think I got mana when I used "inspirational meditation" and "Pet food"

One in fellowship told me I got mana when I use Pet food. I didn't think so as I couldn't see the number of mana when giving pet food.

Now I have tested and seen the mana resources before and after I use pet food and have use Inspiring Meditation.
Yes I get the mana but it doesn't show on the screen.

Is it a mistake to not see that you get mana or is it not possible to show that you get mana when using Pet fod and Inspiring Meditation?

Expected situation:
To see how much mana I get when I use "Inspiring meditation" or "Pet food"
And if it also gives mana to use "combining catalyst" and "Teleport building" then also show mana when I use the Enchntments.

Reproduction Steps
2. pet food
3. Feed Panda bear
4. Feed Brown bear (see picture)

Screenshots of the bug:

(add as many screenshots as you need)


  • Petfood.jpg
    830 KB · Views: 95


Well-Known Member
Mana blimp is replaced by goods blimps that you gain from panda bear feeding effect. Not sure if you actually receive mana or not if panda effect is active (never wasted pet food on it).


King of Bugs
On browser it shows and gives mana, there are 4 blimps (1 mana and 3 goods) over building and under top HUD


Well-Known Member
I can see that the mana inventory in the store rises when I feed
but I can't see it the moment I feed.

and it has notting abort the panda.
I start with the panda because every subsequent building I feed I will get xxx of all the T1 items as extra


Confirmed as posted. On PC version, upon feeding a bear, a blimp shows extra goods (from another AW) and the extra mana. On the mobile app, it shows only the extra goods, but not the extra mana. The extra mana is added to the inventory when using the mobile app.


Well-Known Member
@Eltina Forwarded this bug now since we could reproduce it locally. Please next time report it on your Live server if you can't reproduce it yourself on Beta though. This has 2 reasons: If our developers ask additional questions or need to look into your account for something, we can't provide these details if the bug comes from a non-beta account. The other reason is that the game version we use on Beta is different than on Live, which means that things you encounter there might already be resolved/changed in our version on Beta, which makes it nearly impossible to track if we can't reproduce it right away. Your Live forums and/or Support Team should have a place to report bugs as well, so for bugs you have only encountered on Live and not on Beta (or can't reproduce on Beta yourself), please use the place for bug reporting on your Live server.


Well-Known Member
I Got the mana but it not show when i feed some off the event Building.
I rapport it now on the live Forum.