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Not a Bug [30268] Keyboard stops working after right mouse click


Game version: v1.98-beta.5-(c5260a5) (2020-01-31 17:19)
HTML5 Yes/No: No
Game world: Beta
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Firefox 72.0.2 (64 bit)
Flash Player version:
Operating System or Mobile Device: Windows 10 Home 1903
Screen resolution: 1680x1050
Account name:
Humans or Elves:Elves

5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: (if applicable)

Current situation: Right click of the mouse stops my keyboard from working - I can no longer write in chat or email

Expected situation: I should still be able to use my keyboard as normal

Reproduction Steps:
1. check keyboard is working (write in chat or write an email)
2.right click mouse
3.check keyboard a second time

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:
(add as many screenshots as you need)


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Actually I'm not able to reproduce it, neither with Firefox 72.0.2 nor with Chrome 79.0.3945.130 (both 64 bit) using Windows 10; my keyboard continues to work


If someone experiences the same issue, please let us know.


Well-Known Member
on flash it require left click back on text field to continue writing. But that's not a bug, that's normal windows behavior.


King of Bugs
Arent you using HTML5?
Problem is only in Flash/firefox combination and it appears to me its Flash issue/feature after you open Flash menu and dont click on any option from there and close it by clicking outside of menu, then flash thinks you are still in the menu and shortcuts stop working, you must then right click again, click on any option from menu and it starts working again
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Well-Known Member
Don't see such a problem on flash. If menu is opened - keyboard navigate through that menu, if it closed (either by clicking somewhere inside client or pressing Esc - keyboard work as intended (as if there was left click somewhere inside client or no right click at all). At least on Chrome.


Well-Known Member
I experience this as well - Flash/Firefox combination. When I accidentally do right click, I use to fix that by switching browser tabs (just one switch is enough).


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
I disabled HTML5 only on Chrome o_O, so you're right, combination flash player/Firefox doesn't work fine. I set this as confirmed, but don't know - as Karvest says - if it can be considered a bug; we'll wait for Marindor :)


Well-Known Member
That's bug, but seems - firefox bug, doubt something can be done from game dev side.


Well-Known Member
That's bug, but seems - firefox bug, doubt something can be done from game dev side.

It indeed turns out it's not something we can fix on our side. A workaround is to click somewhere outside the game (e.g. a different browser tab) to restore functionality.