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Fixed [22373] Missing images


King of Bugs
Game version: v1.57-(126518f6f)-(master) (2018-06-19 9:12)
html5: no
Game world: zz1
Browser + version: Firefox Quantum 60.0.2 64-bit
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Dony
Humans or Elves: Elf

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: none

Current situation:
after todays update i am missing some images of buildings (AW, event), images of some help

Expected situation:
proper images

Reproduction Steps
1. check AW help tabs
2. check elementals AW - victory springs
3. check set building help tabs
4. check ice giant hag

edit: on different PC i have all images.
edit2: i happen to trigger it on this pc aswell, but repro steps are weird to me
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Well-Known Member
I'm guessing my issue is related - I can visit 2 cities, both have human Main Hall at level 8, and their Main Halls are not visible. I went to a different city, then went back and it was still missing. I reloaded the game, went back, still missing.

Edit to include: Elf MH level 5 and Elf MH level 7.




Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! Is this only happening in specific browsers and whether or not HTML5 is enabled?


King of Bugs
for me in every single browser even with flash or html5


  • 1.png
    159.2 KB · Views: 158


Well-Known Member
@Dony Thanks. Do you know what could be different on the PC where you do have the issue and the PC where you don't have it?


King of Bugs
my last image is from second PC so its on both now, problem is there are different images which are missing on both PC and whatever i do, switching browsers or html5/flash its still the same images on that pc
is there anyone who has this in flash version only? who never tried html5?
because i have feeling that something happens in html5 version and then it transfer to others like something left in memory or cache or whatever


I only have it within Chrome, Firefox seems to be working fine (all with W7). Have it on 2 different computers now and missing images are different. I have enable HTML5 once to try with that Chrome account (Jasper) but switch it off again because of the blurriness in a lot of places.
When I try my Firefox account (Lord Soth, for which I haven't enable HMTL5 yet) in Chrome I don't seem to have any problems with missing images in inventory. After I switch back to my Chrome account the missing images are visible again, even when enabling/disabling HMTL5 it still works like it should. Looks like a caching problem. Have to wait till tomorrow to be able to test in on that 2nd computer.
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QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
is this still happening to you guys? is it always with the same buildings? (in case of yes, which one and what level)
Im trying my best to reproduce this but not getting it at all.


Well-Known Member
I use Safari and have not enabled html5 yet.

When I went back to the same cities just now, the main halls appear normal. When I went to my Summonings, my missing Crystal Unicorn image appeared in the correct place.

However, I cannot see the Double Goo Day offer image. All I see are red countdown numbers. When I click on the numbers, nothing happens (not sure if anything should, but I was trying to find out what the numbers meant).


Me neither, on my PC at work all images are visible again (in Chrome) while yesterday afternoon some images where missing. I only cleared my cache, think that helped.