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Fixed [20397] Split up quests don't always complete correctly


Game version: v1.49-(0e8e20565) (2018-02-16 13:36)
Game world: Beta
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Microsoft Edge 41.16299.15.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win10
Account name: Katzenprinz
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: Elemental Manifestations

Current situation:
I got the quest today asking me to build an Earth and a Water Manifestation. I already have two of both in my city but tried to add a third Earth since it said I need to build it. I started the construction but decided I wouldn't wanna wait till the morning so I used a 14h time Booster Instant.

The building finished at once but no green hook appeared inside the quest window.

Expected situation:
A green hook would be nice.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Enter game
2. Have the named quest ready
3. start construction of the building
4. use time booster on the building and watch it finishing instantly
5. Check quest window and see no hook.

Screenshots of the bug:


Same problem for me this morning : both manifestation are built and the quest does not see it


Same here, I already had both Maifestations build and build two extra. No effect.

Originally this was part of the quest to build all four manifestations. After two were build the quest split. Since then it does not react.


This issue should be fixed now, but if you encounter it again, pls let us know. :)