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Fixed [18222] AW description is not visible in full


Game version: v1.39-(834ea0607) (2017-09-12 16:21)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Firefox 55.00.3
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution:1920x1080
Account name: Sheeze
Humans or Elves: Elves
Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always

Current situation:
AW description (but only this AW which can not be collected - Watchtower Ruins, MM) is not visible in full ( half description is cutted). >>> Look screenshot

Expected situation:
This description should be full visible

Reproduction Steps:
1. Open the game
2. Open AW type Watchtower Ruins, MM (which can't be collected)
3. Notice that the description is is not visible in full

Edit: AW not placed (in inventory) same situation


  • 1.jpg
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Jup, same here with my Mountain Halls. Looks like the scrollbar to the right is not really needed and causing the unreadable text.


Indeed that's the case with both of those AW's. Thank you for your report :)
Note: this is the case with several other AW, some where the text is cut half (Blooming T, Lighthouse, Needles) and the rest with the scroll bar.
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Yes indeed, I wrote that its occurs in AW which you "cant collect" either in AW You still not place and You checking it from "AW inventory"

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
This issue should now be fixed. Should you still experience it, please let us know which is the affected AW, thank you!