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Fixed [18110] Mobile - Camera settings get back to "max close in" after we leave techtree


Well-Known Member
Game version: APP/mobile
Game world:
android APP version: 1.36.1-e111c19-0
Flash Player version: not applicable
Operating system: android 6.0.1
Screen resolution: 1280x720
Account name: MalpA
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5 (happens always)

Quest title: not applicable

Current situation:

When we set camera to "max close out", and then we go to techtree, after we leave it camera will get back to "max close in"

Expected situation:

Camera settings should be same, after we leave teachtree like we had before we get into it.

Reproduction steps:
1. Install mobile version of game, and log in
2. Set camera settings to max close out
3. Go to techtree
4. leave it
5. Notice that the camera setup is changed to max close in

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks MalpA :) indeed the city zoom settings do not persist when returning from the tech tree (and nor indeed from the world map). Though on my device they seem neither quite zoomed all the way in, nor all the way out, but somewhat in between.