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Fixed [13324] Tower of Fire missing street connection icon on picture


The Tower of Fire is missing it's street connection icon on it's picture in the inventory:

Same is true for the Grounds of the Orc Strategist building.

If you look at the normal buildings they have a street connection icon on their pictures, i.e. Residence/Workshop:

Game version: v1.26-(d98ef1ed7) (2017-03-21 19:36)
Game world: zz1
Browser + version: Firefox 52.0.1
Flash Player version:
Operating System: W7 x64 Enterprise
Screen resolution: 1920x1200
Account name: Lord Soth

Humans or Elves: Elves

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks Jasper, confirmed!

Same also for at least Travelling Merchant I, II and III.

We'll get this forwarded for fixing :)


This issue should be fixed now :). If you encounter it again, please let us know.