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Fixed [12747] Eventbuilding gives wrong rankingpoints?


Game version: v1.22.4-(5623052) (2017-01-19 14:03)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Chrome Version 55.0.2883.87 m
Flash Player version: 24,0,0,194
Operating System: Win 7
Screen resolution: 1280*1024
Account name: Flabbes
Humans or Elves: Human
Reproducibility: ?/5
(1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: none

Current situation:
Built a winter star and expected RP as the amount the building gives culture (600), just got 142
(as I have read there were an issue with getting too much RP, I did a screenshot before and after bulding it - would have posted it there, but didn't found the thread anymore - Jira #12747?).

Expected situation:
Get 600RP

Reproduction Steps
notice RP and build eventbuilding
2. check blimp & RP

Screenshots of the bug:




King of Bugs
you get ranging points once you use population or culture, not when you create them


Well then I shouldn't have gained those 142 rankingpoints - something seems to be wrong there.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you gave all your ranking points to me on Khelonaar server. I placed 2 igloos and got some 10,000+ points, went up 400 ranks.

My bug>your bug:cool:


It happens also on a live server where I play. Placing event buildings give ranking points...


Well-Known Member
Aha, that might explain why some player on dutch server skyrocketed with 100k points in 1 day (towards rank 2 at the moment) without having a city that matches the points.

Support tickets were made over a week ago, but they couldnt figuer it out where the points came from. or they did figuer it out and just didnt let us know and didnt fix it yet.


Aha, that might explain why some player on dutch server skyrocketed with 100k points in 1 day (towards rank 2 at the moment) without having a city that matches the points.

Support tickets were made over a week ago, but they couldnt figuer it out where the points came from. or they did figuer it out and just didnt let us know and didnt fix it yet.

This bug is reported on the Dutch server, but up till now there is no response at all from a moderator there. Which is probably the reason other players took advantage of it
Last edited by a moderator:


Event buildings don't give ranking points.

Are you absolutely sure that you got those 142 RP when you inserted Winter Star in your town?


A you can see on my screenshots I got that points for sure.
The only thing I was doing after building the winter star was creating the ticket (explains the time gap you can see on my KP counter). So I am absolutely sure there was nothing else which could cause this RP (didn't bulid anything else and didn't do anything at a province).