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Fixed [12690] Stream error when clicking on tent icon in tournament


King of Bugs
Game version: v1.21.4-(3ec611a) (2017-01-09 13:01)
Game world: Beta1
Browser + version: Firefox 50.1.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Dony
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: none

Current situation:
Stream error when clicking on tent icon in tournament

Expected situation:
Should work like intended

Reproduction Steps :
0. Have atleast 1 province finished with 6/6 stars

1. go to wolrd map
2. click on tent icon
3. stream error


  • 1.png
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Dony, do you really have it 5/5?

This happened to me a few times, but not every time. I was trying to find more data about this, to narrow a bit situation in which this happens, like in which province, which lvl, etc.


King of Bugs
If i have finished at least 1 province on 6/6 stars, its every time from then, will add to my initial post. I guess it has something to do with rewards showing since last time it ended after 5th round showing 6th' round reward and now it maybe wants to show from 7th' round, just my guess


I think I might have found something that could help understanding the issue.

This also happened to me, systematically, after I completed the 6th level of province 1, when trying to open the tournament dialog to move to province 2.

Though I noticed the following:
- I could correctly enter the following provinces (3, 4, 5), which were open for combat, directly from the map,
- province 2 was actually closed for combat, with a remaining timer greater than the remaining tournament time, as shown on the screenshot below.



Ah Dony, my mistake. It is happening all the time, but probably when you complete at least one province (finish all 6 lvls).
When I asked you question before I thought that you get stream error when you click on tent in province - icon for encounter. Oh, what silly thought of me :rolleyes:


Had the same problem with streaming error.
As I knew there is something wrong, I did some investigations by purpose but without helpful result.

Setting: race elve, firefox, have 4 provinces ready for round 6, finished all of them to 7/8 (partly negotiated, most fighted)

fighted province 8/8 manually and got at the end (after victory notification) the streaming error
after reload the, TP have taken account and I think I got the rune reward too (forget to screenshot it before)

next province(s) isn't available through tent anymore, everytime I click it, get the stream error.
open next province over map is ok, could open it as usually

selected again fight, but this time used auto battle, as soon I click "auto" I get a stream error, and after reload the province is still available over world map

finishing the 3 left 8/8 provinces with negotiation and got the expected reward with no further errors

other account, human and chrome

negotiated the first province 8/8 with "normal" result and get the streaming error when trying to open the tent after that (I should have more open provinces as you can see in the attached screenshot)


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Final conclusion: When 1st province is cleared (all 6 levels finished) clicking on 'tent' icon for tournament causes stream error.