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Fixed [12483] Tooltip shows Units ready to collect reduced to 1


Game Version: v1.20.1-(88ecd7b) (2016-12-06 10:03)
Game World: beta
Browser + Version: Opera 41.0.2353.69
Flash Speler version:
Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise 64 bits (UK version)
Screen resolution: 2048 x 1152
Account Name: Ritsel
Human or Elves: Elves

1) Fill more than 1 slot in the Barracks and traininggrounds
2) Go offline
3) Return when training is finished, you see:
back again1.gif

back again2.gif

Refresh doesn't help this time :(

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Thanks both :)

We have confirmed this issue and will forward it to be fixed. As @Dony has said, collecting does give you the right number of units, so this is a display error in the finished production tooltip only :)

I have edited the title of the thread to reflect this. The issue occurs whether you are online or offline.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start training any military units (more than 1) in any military training building
2. Observe the amount displayed in the building's tooltip during training matches the amount you are training
3. Wait until production is finished
4. Observe the finished production tooltip says '1'
5. Collect the units
6. Observe the blimp that floats up gives the correct number, and the correct number are indeed added
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