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Fixed [12260] Part of tournament counter is missing


Game version: v1.18.3-(ed3dc9d) (2016-11-10 9:45)
Game world: beta
Browser + version: Chrome Version 54.0.2840.99 m
Flash Player version: 23,0,0,207
Operating System: Win 7
Screen resolution: irrelevant
Account name: Flabbes
Humans or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 5/5
(1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: n/a

Current situation:
On the worldmap the tournament timer shows the cooldown timer with "h" as long as there is more than one hour left to the next round, below one hour the "m" is missing

Expected situation:
To identify if i have to wait hours or just minutes see "h" and "m"

Reproduction Steps
Do some tournaments and wait until the cooldown counter for one of them is below 1 hour

Screenshots of the bug:

tournament countert.JPG