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Fixed [12259] Missing Information in Ancient Wonders


Game version: v1.16.10-(c615829) (2016-10-19 10:02)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Chrome Version 54.0.2840.59 m
Flash Player version: 23,0,0,185
Operating System: Win 7
Screen resolution: 1280 x 1024
Account name: Flabbes
Humans or Elves: Elv

Reproducibility: 5/5
(1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: ./.

Current situation:
No information is shown

Expected situation:
Show information

Reproduction Steps
open Endless Excavation (same for Prosperity Towers, Dwarven Bulwark)
2. switch to overview
3. have a look at the mouseover

Screenshots of the bug:




Well-Known Member
Thank you for your report. Actually you should have a tooltip there at all. I am also not able to reproduce this. Does clearing your cache memory help resolve it?

Also: Are there any other players who encounter similar behaviour?


I tried clearing the cache and just checked with Firefox 47.0.1 (different account) - same result (no information visible)

Edit: >>same result in DE3
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Has nobody else those missing information at the ancient wonders (Endless Excavation, Prosperity Towers, Dwarven Bulwark)?


Well-Known Member
There shouldn't be any tooltips there, but Firefox is behaving in a strange way lately. Could you check if using another browser resolves your issue for now?


As already written, I expierenced it with Chrome, Firefox in live an Beta - cache & cookies cleared ;)

Just tried it once more with fresh cleared cache & cookies
Firefox (by the way, in FF the silver coins at all ancient wonders are missing)

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Well-Known Member
Since we're not able to reproduce this issue and no other players indicate experiencing similar behaviour, it seems a local problem and I will now archive this thread. :)


King of Bugs
reproduction steps:
1. log in to the game
2. visit sombody with wonders (people on first page for example)
3. click on ancient wonder (tome of sercet, dwarven bulwark, flying academy, enars embassy, prosperity tower, shrine of the shrewdy shrooms, endless excavation, heroes forge or golden abyss)
4. click on first pane of that anciet wonder
5. mouse hover over information in first sentence

after that if you visit your town, that wonders are bugged aswell
if you do it other way around it works as intended(check your wonders first and then visit others)


King of Bugs
what are yours steps when you log to the game?
i am getting this in every world i play, and once i fix it in that world, its fixed till next reload of the game, then again "?????"

Deleted User - 60107

Took me a few tries, but I got this bug as well. Steps:
- Log in to Beta world
- open the rankings
- go to first page
- visit player Tony66 (currently #1)
- Find the Heroes' Forge (near the bottom of the screen) and click on it
- open the Overview tab
- point the mouse cursor at the orc head (to the right of the word "Production")
- enjoy the senseless tooltip


Well-Known Member
Thank you! I can reproduce it that way too! Still not sure what the cause is why it happens in some cases and not in others, but we will look into that :)