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Fixed [11962] Produced supplies appear to have vanished after using Power of Provision spell


Game version: __ v1.15.11-(5782bc2) (2016-10-10 7:56)
Game world: __beta
Browser + version: __chrome
Flash Player version: __NA
Operating System: __windows 7
Screen resolution: __NA
Account name: __jouchka
Humans or Elves: __elves

Reproducibility: __3/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
__After adding spell to a workshop, the collection marker disapears
__If you click on the workshop the game will crash, after reloading you can collect the supplies
__ But crashing game is terribly annoying

Expected situation:
__game shall not crash and supplies shall be collectable immediately
Reproduction Steps
__let workshop finish
2. __Add spell
3. __try to collect, game will crash
4. __
5. __

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:
(add as many screenshots as you need)

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
While we cannot confirm that the game will crash with the above steps, we can show that following the above steps, the supplies will not be added to your total. They simply vanish on clicking 'Done' after applying the spell.


1 Note amount of Supplies (in my case 159,618) (screenie 1)
2 Let Workshop finish (screenie 2 for amount being produced, 3 for Workshop finished)
2 Add Spell
4 Click 'Done'
5 Observe: the Spell is added, but the Supplies have disappeared (screenie 4)
6. Check the amount of Supplies
7. Observe: Supply total is the same as noted in step 1 (also screenie 4)


1 Supplies before

1 Supplies before.png

2 Amount of Supplies being produced

2 Supplies being produced.png

3 Supplies ready to collect

3 Supplies ready to collect.png

4 Spell applied, Supplies vanish

4 Spell applied supplies vanished.png


I was in the same state as on the 4th picture, but when I then clicked on the workshop the game crashed, and after reloading the boosted amount appeared.


I had same as 4th picture, but when i then clicked on teh workshop the game crashed, and relaoaded showing the correct boosted values.
I don't know what you wanted to proave monitorring the supplies, applying the spell doesn't mean that you also collect it. You have to click afterwards on the workshop to collect it. It has been always that way.
That's also why after reloading the finished goods can be collected at boosted rate.

The goods are not vanished, just the collection icon has vanished.
I think the change of the title of this bug report might make it just more difficult to understand.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks Jouchka, we've now confirmed that too, and have forwarded this issue to our development team. I've also reinstated your thread title. Full steps to reproduce are:

1 Note amount of Supplies (in my case 159,618) (screenie 1)
2 Let Workshop finish (screenie 2 for amount being produced, 3 for Workshop finished)
2 Add Spell
4 Click 'Done'
5 Observe: the Spell is added, but the Supply collection icon has disappeared (screenie 4)
6. Check the amount of Supplies
7. Observe: Supply total is the same as noted in step 1 (also screenie 4)
8. Click on the building
9. Observe: the production menu opens
10. Attempt to start production
11. Observe: an internal error results
12. Click 'Ok'
13. Observe: Following reload, the Supplies are collectable


Sorry couldn't try it again today, don't wanted to waste spells to get a better description. Thanks for refining it.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks for your assistance with this, Jouchka. No need to try again, as our development team are now aware of this issue, so save your Spells for when you need them :)