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Fixed [11708] KP timer not reset without reload, when KP go down form more than 10


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.15.6-(2892adf) (2016-09-21 7:40)
Game world: BETA 1
Browser + version: Version 53.0.2785.116 m
Flash Player version: You have version 23,0,0,162 installed
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Elevenar
Humans or Elves: Humans for sure ;)

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:
I accidently solved a tournament province, which rewarded 4KP while I had already 9 in the KP bar, and only 28mins left to get the 10th KP. So, I had 13 and was a little bit angry for this "mistake". Glad the game showed back 28mins left, after I put 4 KP (so 13-4=9KP) into one of my ancient wonders.

Well, the happiness did not last for long ... cause I was sure, after a reload the timer would go back to 59:59min ... and it did.

Expected situation:
KP timer should go reset to 1hour as soon as the KP bar is full, or as soon, as the KP amount goes under 10 KP. So TWO updates to the in-game variables/functions you have to check. One of it does not work, as the screenshots show.

20160923 bug_kp_timer_1.jpg

20160923 bug_kp_timer_2.jpg


Well-Known Member
This issue should be resolved now but is hard to fully reproduce! Therefore please let us know as soon as you should encounter it again :)