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Fixed [11329] High catering costs tournaments


Game version: v1.13.7-(aad90ba) (2016-08-24 9:15)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: __ Google chrome 52.0.2743.116 m
Flash Player version: __ Adobe flash player
Operating System: __ Windows 8.1
Screen resolution: __1920x1080
Account name: __Anne65
Humans or Elves: __Elves


Current situation:
I was moved last week and I don't know if it is caused by the movement. I also don't know if anyone else already reported this, sorry if it is a double report.
I noticed last week in the tournaments that the catering costs were very high. I was used to cater the first province or even provinces, because it was pretty cheap and saw a change. I wasn't sure though, because I couldn't compare.
Now I started the tournament in beta and in the dutch server. And there is a big difference in the catering costs. I have completed 333 provinces in beta and 322 in the dutch server, so that might cause a difference. But this huge difference?

Expected situation:
I expect the catering costs in the tournaments to be lower.

Reproduction steps
1. Go to the first province in the tournament, level 1 and look at the catering costs

Caterin costs province 1 level 1 beta.png

Catering costs Beta, first province, first level

catering costs dutch server.png

Catering costs in the dutch server, first province, first level, same troops

I don't expect the costs to be exactly the same, but I think the costs in beta are too high and not right anymore. Can a difference in 11 completed provinces cause this huge difference or is something wrong?


King of Bugs
im pretty sure it has something to do with your movement, and this should be a bug


I have the same problem, and also think it's a result of being moved. I entered a support ticket in-game as well - they said they would look into it.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this. We were already aware of this issue and it should have been resolved now for all future player movements.


Any update on this? My tournament catering costs are still sky high.