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Fixed [11229] Delay in Front-End updating inserted Rune


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.11.3-(683236c) (2016-07-21 9:20)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Safari 9.1.2
Flash Player version:
Operating System:
OS X 10.9.5
Screen resolution: 2560 x 1600
Account name:
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 0-5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: none (if applicable)

Current situation:
1) Won a rune shard for Tome of Secrets in the tournament
2) Placed the rune shard into the rune circle (was the first one so it was successful)
3) Switched to the "overview" tab where I was told, that I have another rune shard
4) Switched back to the rune tab and tried to insert the shard - then the error shown in the last screen appeared.

After closing the window of the wonder completely and opening it again it told me again that I have a unused rune shard (Step 3 above) - and when trying to place it the error from step 4 showed again. I can repeat this endlessly - until I reload the game. Then the rune shard disappeared.

Expected situation:
After inserting the only rune shard I have the game shouldn't tell me that I have a further one to insert... ;)



Well-Known Member
On Saturday: won a rune for Golden Abyss via tournaments and everything was okay.
Today: won a rune for Endless Excavation via Province and the error returned. After relogging the "additional rune" was gone - did some further provinces and won a rune for Golden Abyss and again the error returned :(


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your report. We've got multiple reports on this and your screenshots are very clear, so we will forward it for fixing. It seems that front-end the insertion of the rune didn't update immediately, hence the fact that it looked like you could insert it again and got the error when you tried to do that :)