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Search results

  1. Atlas les géants recruiting

    HELLO We are always looking for new players. Whatever your level, you came to us. You will earn 14 chests minimum in tournament, gold in dungeon, level 10 in Knowledge Sharing, Tournament and Spire Archive; etc. Feel free to contact us if you would like more details or have any questions. Good...
  2. 4 true adventurers are looking for Gold Spire fellowship until next FA

    We only have 4 places, one has just been released. We are a brotherhood ranked 6th recently, we are Atlas Giants. I’m the host, Serge38. Come see, 14 to 16 chests in the tournament, gold in the dungeon, but you must be enough, so with you. Exchanges, polishing and an adventure soup are our daily...
  3. Atlas les géants recruiting

    And yes friends, the nations represented here are Brazil, Belgium, the USA, Ghent Brittany, France and I do not know who else. Come if you have ambition for a world without war for a fratenel world, in which mutual aid is a priority. E sim, amigos, as nações representadas entre nós são o...
  4. 4 true adventurers are looking for Gold Spire fellowship until next FA

    Nous avons juste 4 places, une vient d'être libérée à l'instant. Nous sommes une confrérie classée 6ème il ya peu, nous sommes Atlas Les Géants. Je suis l'animateur, Serge38. Venez voir, 14 à 16 coffres au tournoi, l'or au donjon, mais il faut être suffisamment nombreux, donc avec vous. Les...
  5. Discussion Fellowship Adventures

    stop, too much is too much
  6. Fixed [37955] Error for Neighborly Help

    The problem is getting worse, reproducibility is now 5/5. I just did the neighborly help of the neighbors on the map, no golden hands of the ten neighbors gave rise to the supply of tools. The most recent visits of the neighbors are: 2 on 28/09 at 23:49 and 1 on 29/09 at 00:23. I confirm that...
  7. Fixed [37955] Error for Neighborly Help

    Game version:v1.139-beta.5-(e073b7e) - html5 (2021-09-27 19:54) Game world:Beta Browser/IOS/Android + version: firefox Version 92.0.1 (64 bits) Operating System or Mobile Device: W10 Screen resolution: 1920x1080 Account name:[/B] Serge38 Humans or Elves: Humans Reproducibility: 4/5 (1/5 =...
  8. Fixed [37955] Error for Neighborly Help

    When I do the Neighborly Help on a small hand that shines (golden), I only have the coins, I don’t have any tools as a reward.