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  1. Not a Bug Game is still on maintenance

    I can get on by mobile but nothing on browser.
  2. City Evolutions

    It's more like can't really get them evolved at all. My thoughts are primary directed at the (Fire) Phoenix, for which there hasn't been an artifact in some time (July FA). That was a game changing building, further complicated by some players having two fully evolved Fire Phoenix. I don't...
  3. City Evolutions

    It's not well working if you have a new city. Why offer evolving buildings in the MA if there is no way to get artifacts?
  4. FA Fellowship Adventure Improvement = Final / Whirlpool Stage

    Good suggestion ashrem! Something needs to change. I thought about this for the last couple of FA's, especially since clicking completion of a quest without cycling through all of them has increased fellowship FA participation. Why not add a 4th or 5th or even a 6th stage to the 3 existing...
  5. City Evolutions

    I agree completely!! Especially for newer players, generic evolution artifacts would be a godsend. I just started in a couple of worlds, I have a phoenix but no artifacts to evolve it with and no artifacts on the horizon! =\
  6. Discussion Winter Magic

    Three of my last four quests have been research a technology/gain 15 Vision Vapors. Previous events often had scout a province as an option with these types of quests. While a problem for larger cities, it would certainly be a helpful option for smaller and medium size cities.