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  1. Discussion Season of Dreams

    I really like it:)
  2. Discussion Fellowship Adventures

    I think competition for the lost badges and the extension of the brotherhood adventure is a bad choice. I will have my Christmas Eve, and I also have guests the day before Christmas Eve. I have no opportunity to participate on these days. I apologize to the brotherhood.
  3. Discussion Fellowship Adventures

    The week before Christmas is a bad time. Much better with a longer break, as this becomes stressful for many. I usually like FA, but not this time.
  4. Duplicate No frog

    There is no more fog left in the image Misty forest, and the image does not move. I haven`t any fog to take away.
  5. Duplicate In-game communication overhaul

    We need communicationstools.
  6. Not a Bug 48 / 5000Do not count magic workshops in this task?

    I get these task and I just have magic workshop. They are upgraded, but the task doesn`t take it. Ruffen
  7. Discussion Proposed trading star rating changes

    I like the idea and hope it can balance the trade so that more people produce T1. I also believe that this can contribute to fairer trade and less disagreement.
  8. Discussion Release Notes version 1.39

    I do not play other games, but wonder about this. Will the development of games be worse in other games? Since I started this game, on another server, it has become more expensive. The expansions became more expensive and it is more difficult to build cities now than when I began. The merchant...
  9. Discussion Release Notes version 1.39

    Haven`t asked me...
  10. Discussion Release Notes version 1.39

    The team says these: Some may say they would have fewer reasons to do NH, but in fact, the majority of players is not doing NH for these rewards, but to actually help their fellowship members and neighbors. We do want NH to be more and more convenient to perform in the future (see the mobile...
  11. Discussion Release Notes version 1.39

    I will still lose a lot of goods with this solution. This is not an encouragement to our active players. Why can`t you do Elvenar better? Not worse.. Take care of the active players... Read these message and give us the goods back!!
  12. Request Inno to change back to old function of Great bell/crystal lighthouse

    I will still lose a lot of goods with this solution. This give no encouragement for our active players.
  13. Request Inno to change back to old function of Great bell/crystal lighthouse

    I support that request too..We need more visits, not less!!! Please take it back, let us get our goods.