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  1. Other Enticing players to return

    When I started out playing Elevnar, I thought it was a very nice game, but ... - I had to wait a lot, so I created more cities. It was nice and fun for quite some time, and my cities grew bigger... until ... it felt like an uninspiring heavy burden and a thief of time. So I stopped playing for a...
  2. Duplicate Helping lillian2's main hall, results in error

    Game version: v1.23.5-(a85b553) (2017-02-15 8:03)__ (right click ingame, click the version number to copy it, paste here) Game world: BETA 1__ Browser + version: Firefox 50.1.0 Flash Player version: Unsure Operating System: Windows 10 Screen resolution: __ Account name: Hugs Humans or Elves...
  3. Problem: cities stopped early in their development

    We have all seen it, cities that seem to be started on, only to be left vacated very quickly... And, there is a lot of them. So, what is done to this problem. The current approach, which is probably a good one, is to delete a city that is in an early stage, and where the user have not logged in...