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Recent content by RCR2018

  1. Discussion Chapter 20 - The Power of Music

    Where I compose 1 Enar's Blues?
  2. Discussion Chapter 20 - The Power of Music

    Thank you very much!
  3. Discussion Chapter 20 - The Power of Music

    Where I Produce an Eternal Trade Agreement??
  4. Discussion Chapter 19 - Revenge of the Exile Discussion

    've been doing it like this: I start building the light tower and as soon as it starts I sell and get the white magic, I don't need to let her finish building it, I hope I helped!
  5. Discussion Chapter 19 - Revenge of the Exile Discussion

    I think I got a great layout.
  6. Discussion Chapter 18 - Team Spirit

    Thanks !
  7. Discussion Chapter 18 - Team Spirit

    I have a city in the living world and I'm stuck on a race question. The question is create 100 elemental babies? Where do I create these elemental babies???
  8. Answered Temple of the Spirits (AW ch18)

    I would like to take a question, of the Ancient Wonders of this chapter Temple of the Spirits, this wonder at level 1 provides 905 unurium per chest of the tower, 48x905: 43.444 unurium per tower completed??
  9. Answered working population

    How to increase the working population of my city?