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PvP announced


The other day a Forum-Moderator/Team-Member of Elvenar on the Spanish Live Server announced that there is a certain possibility that PvP Battles would form part of Elevenar.

....pero todavía faltan un sin numero de actualizaciones con edificios que vendrán sin comprar diamantes, nuevas razas, eras o épocas... Tal ves un PvP ....

What do you think - would this improve, make less boring the game or wouldn't it?


Didn't the devs say a while that PvP wouldn't be added to the game? I think I remember hearing something about that during the live Q&A stream they did.


What do you think - would this improve, make less boring the game or wouldn't it?

No it wouldn't. But as far as we don't see or hear anything here, I wouldn't give on words of somebody being only a mod at a live server.


What do you think - would this improve, make less boring the game or wouldn't it?

That would be great, but as Hawkwood wrote here, the dev´s said earlier that this game aint a PvP game, but if they put PvP into the game, I will be happy, but, they should make it in a way so players can choose not to fight, or be attacked, and more than that the PvP part shouldnt be something PvP players gained more XP or other benefits towards the normal ranking list, that would be unfair to non PvP players that startede the game knowing it was a non PvP game.

EDIT: Ok Muf-Muf wrote at the same time i did, and posted: "We will hereby confirm that there are no plans to add PvP to Elvenar at all."


In our native village they say: kaum red'st vom Bär', kommt er daher ( ~ talking of the bear, he's already quite near ...), so if a Mod speaks of 'maybe PvP' he does it, because he knows something.

Regarding 'confirmed', 'never', 'at all' etc., I remember when repeatable quests where limited to do them only once per week or so, you also 'confirmed' that this measure will be withdrawn NEVER, and after few days and after a few days all was backtracked eagerly.

Therefore, I would take up with caution your affirmations containing words like 'never', 'confirm', or 'no plans' etc..


Yea mate, I'm still gonna take Muf's word over that one of a Spanish mod. Also because the devs did indeed say there would be no PvP.
Personally I wouldn't like PvP. There are many other games out there that have that option and I always try to avoid them. I like competition, but getting slaughtered (what usually happens) isn't really my thing.


Same here. It would make those ppl leave who want a peaceful game.


Fact: The PvP function changes the style of a game

When I realised that there is no PvP yet in Elvenar I was disappointed
(I didn't even expect that from Innogames because all the other games are PvP)
As I can see above, there are many players that prefer a peaceful gameplay.
After I read the comments above I thought that PvP doesn't suit for Elvenar.
However I had a real excellent idea (thanks to Cletra's message) about how to make PvP an option to choose as there are already troops in the game, and it wouldn't be so difficult for the programing team.

PvP mode:
Can be enabled IF and only IF the player want to add this function from the Main Hall

Campaign Providences:
On the map like other providences (but less in number)
Only for PvP players
16 areas to capture (8 max for each player)
Monsters guard each area in the beginning
First player who capture an area can put some troops to guard it (or maybe a recourse cost?) and must leave a relic of his choice for any possible conqueror
Players that come second have to defeat the troops exist in the area (placed at the above step) and get the relic
Extra resource boost (like the one of culture buildings) when areas are under control because campaign areas are difficult to capture + they don't belong to one player forever (more difficulty = more reward)

Of course people who are involved with war cant be always safe...

For PvP players only:
Players that belong to fellowships with PvP enabled (Fellowship PvP can be enabled/disabled/free to choose) and have opponent fellowships with the same status (PvP) can attack players of the opponent fellowship with the same technology level or higher (e.g. I or II or III or IV ...)
When defeat the army of the city the attacker can occupy buildings within an area 5x5 and use them as his own buildings for 24h
(clarifications: 1) only supply maker buildings and building that produce goods capturable 2) no residences and other buildings within the area can be used by the attacker but cant be used by the owner too 3)these buildings doesn't require population or culture, they use population and culture of the city they belong geographically 4) Less than 24h if player has the barracks free and train units and attack the remaining troops of the opponent that stayed in the city 5) Recourses not collected by the attacker within the 24h or until the attacking units are defeated, can be collected by the player owns the city)
*Depending to the number of attacks of each player and the successful occupations, more players can attack him/her
(to allow players choose how PvP they want the game to be)!


Thanks for being patient!!!


Why didn't you add that to the ideas section insetad? :)


I'll never understand why this dreadful PvP is such a big thing. If you guys want to assault and loot other people, why don't you play a different game.

If Innogames starts to implement things like you mentioned, there would be even more room for bugs and delays and so on. So I am abolutely and clearly against any PvP in this game whatsoever!


:) No problem about dislike or even hate PvP, it is just optional or to be more specific it is going to be optional if Innogames approve it.
Let's admit that there is a big variety of people's characters and this variety is the reason why online games become really interesting and not like playing with a machine.
An option of PvP, of course as an optional feature, would attract people with different interests and that will be a plus to the game because as I have mentioned above the various characters add this very importan diversity which makes the game come alive (not literally of course ;))!


Yes, no problem. As I said, why not play another game. There are many very different, very nice people in the game already and they are in no way like machines, believe me o_O. There is no need and no room for characters who urgently need PvP:D in our wonderful Elvenar (I really do hope Inno shares this opinion).

The diversity you mentioned is not important at all in this game - imho of course^^ Plus it will generate more problems in game performance, I'm sure.

PS: I do not detest PvP in general, but there is a better place to play this way. Maybe you recognise my ingame name here, then you know what I am talking about.


I think some people need to learn to read... :rolleyes:

What up with the eye rolling at people there Phil, this is General Discussion, and it´s a discussion, Muf-Muf said no PvP, and the dev´s say something will come in the way of using trops for other things than we are using them for right now, so what´s wrong with discussing thing´s?
Getting personal over a discussion you might not like is over the line.


I think some people need to learn to read... :rolleyes:

you are welcome :)

>>> see there

Muf-Muf, Sep 4, 2015:
On Beta, however, we don't want to go back to the old system that we had.

Muf-Muf, Sep 9, 2015:
... we will turn off the feature on Beta for now. That means that you will be able to decline quests as before again once the feature has been deactivated.
When will the feature be deactivated?


from what I heard form the devs, it is supposed to be PvE in teams ;)


I am very against PvP. I hate the concept. I don't ever want to harm anyone or go loot them. I joined Elvenar specifically because it isn't PvP. However, I think it is already going in that direction. The whole Ancient Wonders thing isn't a cooperative and helpful concept. It is a go and be a thug and snipe out bonuses before anyone can do anything about it.

So far, my fellowships have been kind and helpful. Now, with this new wonders thing, some people are getting helped (being popular) while others are (not popular) and if you help then you are risking sniping out a reward from some of your other fellows, so the best way to help each other is to become that band of awful cruel thugs.

I don't know why people are so keen to be soldiers. There is plenty enough war in this awful world.
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... It is a go and be a thug and snipe out bonuses before anyone can do anything about it. Katwijk even wants to have bands of thugs you can join so you can all swoop in and steal any bonuses at the last minute .... you are risking sniping out a reward from some of your other fellows, so the best way to help each other is to become that band of awful cruel thugs. ...

I think that it were you a couple of weeks ago, asking the mods not to criminalize players for simple playing what the game permits ...
And now you yourself are using so ugly words like 'bands of thugs' , 'steal any bonuses at the last minute', 'sniping out a reward' etc. etc. for players who are in search of runes and knowledge-points ...

Do you really have the sensation that you are doin' something different as criminalizing other players?

As for me, I think, the idea of the 'clubs' is not so a worse one ...

Let us use instead of so ugly words like 'steal any bonuses at the last minute' a better description:
Organize/setting up in group where and how to get out the maximum of a selected 'ancient wonder' found on the map or somewhere else.

It's the same as with the 'repeatable quests':

With a little bit of timing, and in this case 'working' together, I think a 'club' (lets call it with a nice word: Ancient-Wonder-Group) and it's members could gain the runes (and knowledge points) they are targeting for in an easier manner than working as 'solo-player' searching runes and knowledge points from the 'ancient wonders' of others ...

Logically one of the precondition is that the Ancient-Wonder-Group-Members have finished their investigation, so every member has about 35 - 40 daily knowledge points to 'invert' them - and let's say us as it is: with 120 - 200 daily knowledge points each and every 'ancient wonder' reward is for the Ancient-Wonder-Group-Members.

And as said before: nobody is stealing, nobody is a thugs only for organize his gaming in a group.

I wonder if there's anybody else out here, also having reached the end of the investigation-tree interested in setting up together such an Ancient-Wonder-Group.

Don't hesitate to contact me.