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Cannot reproduce You achived new age popup loop


General Description (Overview):

What I expected to happen:
For it to vanish after showing up once as usual

What actually happened:
When i finished the two Advanced workshops quest it pops up after every quest, and is not vanishing

How often has this happened:

Screenshots/Additional information:

Reproduction Steps:

1. Finish Advanced Workshop main storyline quest

2. Get a popup about new age and close it

3. Finish any other quest, and get the popup every time, whether i abandon the quest or finish it

Player Name: Khebeln

World: Beta

Operating System: Windows 8

Browser and Version: Mozilla (newest)

Screen Resolution: 1920x1080


I tried other browsers, and cleared cache as well. nothing changed.


Nvm, once i finished next quest, scouting a province. The annoying popup ended.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
I can confirm this is happening - I too would expect the popup to only appear once, not after every quest for several quests.


Well-Known Member
Since this issue hasn't been reported recently anymore, I'll set this topic to "Cannot Reproduce" for now. Should anyone still experience this, please let us know!


I observed something similar, while I encountered THIS, the same pop-up showing up after each quest, of course not saying a new age has come, but something else.