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Discussion New Smilies!

Deadeye Jerry

Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans :hgrin: and Elves :egrin:,

Please use this thread to discuss the new emojis if you want to comment on something.

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Active Member
The emoji link is broken, but one can get there by clicking on the smily in the edit window.

I was hoping that we'd get a comprehensive list of resource smilies similar to what's already available in the wiki. :(


Well-Known Member
As usual
You have young people making emojis that are really not clear enough for the majority of your real audience. Thanks for another means of promotion of eye strain.
If the company was going to spend resources on this sort of frivolity, a better use of time would be to include items like a Thumbs Up, Heart for Love It, and a good ironic representation of 'Awesome', just saying.
But there is the next point why waste resources on frivolities?
Fix the very broken player movement algorithm.
Fix the appearing and disappearing neighbor phenomenon.
Increase the notice area seeing as we are stuck with useless ones like a reminder that the local Sorceress will be powdering her nose during the final two rounds of tournament :rolleyes:
Give us a use for relics.
Give us a way to exchange Artifacts.

Deadeye Jerry

Community Manager
Elvenar Team
@Katwick you can access all emojis we have on the forum by clicking on Smilies

2023-07-08 10_07_24-Discussion - New Smilies! _ Elvenar Beta Forum - Opera.png


Well-Known Member
If I could only see the new ones…
The image shows what I can do with all the formatting features in beta forum. Almost nothing.
The only possible interaction is using the “attach files” and “insert quotes” (not in this image) at the bottom of the post reply window.
Anyone can help how to solve it?
Ipad 9th, IOS 16.5.1 in use
(No problem in ITA forum and this is strange, it should be the same engine)


  • IMG_0562.jpeg
    251.4 KB · Views: 70


Well-Known Member
:egrin:Would like to see these available in the ingame mail too!
Years ago I have proposed already for some improvements of the ingame-mail anyway.
Any idea if that is on the 'to do-list' any time soon?