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Duplicate Map Bug

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Problem: If I go from a neighbour back to the world map it have much provinces and neighbours that look like not scouted yet, but they are.

What I expected to happen: Show the map as usual.

What actually happened: Some fields look like not yet scouted.

How often has this happened: Very Often

Screenshots/Additional information:

Reproduction Steps:
1. Visit a Neighbour
2. Go back to the world map
3. See strange map
4. Drag the map a little bit to fix the issue

Player Name: Simon089
World: Beta1
Operating System: Windows 8
Browser and Version: Firefox (latest)
Flash Version:
Screen Resolution: 1920x1080


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this Simon089. This is indeed a known issue, of which you can find more at the link @Eladamri posted. Please follow that topic for any updates on this! I'll lock this one as a duplicate now :)
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