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Duplicate Make something like fractions.

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I have been thinking, but what if we had fractions. I was thinking that people can make there own fractions for a cost of a certain amount of materials.

1. Just to get more specific of what I was thinking you guys should add is more of showing on the global map areas that fractions control. When I mean areas that fractions control just make it to were they have that area to have as part of there global ranking and to have some resource bonuses, but other people still can scout and do things as they can do right now. I was thinking to take those areas you would take them by fighting some enemy and then if a fraction owns a area anther fraction can attack that area, but to balance things out how about putting some restrictions to that.
2. Now what else something I would like to see is that fractions offer bonuses and have there own trading. Maybe some kind of function about diplomacy. How about having the fractions have some kind of custom ranks or have preset ones with management. Have fraction members help out other fraction members.
3. Customization to fractions like creating a banner, naming the fraction, fraction color. Things like that.
So just add fractions and things that you can do with fractions just like that, but have a little bit of PvP implemented into taking areas. If you think about add fractions just please make it so not too much competition happens and things like that.​

If you would like to add to my suggestion idea's for fractions or just want to change up a few of my idea's that I am suggesting to the developers please do respond to this thread!
One more thing, sorry guys, off track here a little, if I have any bad grammer or spelling in this, but so that people know it's just some idea's for if we can have fractions, but I said enough, so that is all for now.


Do you really mean 'fractions' or is it actually factions? Further a good idea.


Your idea looks like an elaboration of the idea of a Guild/Alliance. Please post your suggestions about the function of a Guild here (click). That way, we can improve the idea in one thread, which makes it more clear for everyone. :)
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