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Zoom in Ability


I have a function that I like to use on the other games. I want to be able to zoom in on a spot. The graphics are awesome and would like a closer look at them. What are the elves actually doing at their posts. Would like a closer look at the detail. They put all this work into the graphics and would like to enjoy it more


Nice idea, but i'm afraid the developers have priorities other than this


At least IE and Chrome has zoom option, work pretty well in my pc even with 200% zoom or 50% zoom which is really good when time of helping other players cities come.


Yes, the zooom function of the browser is very nice. :)
Elvenar need actually a lot of memory, so it is generally a good idea, but it is not a good idea when the browsers need more RAM to show the nice details.


Really i do not know much about tecnical thing, just is very nice the browser zoom when is no option to do in the game :D.