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Fixed wrong wording in quest



cannot find a map expansion in research...I can only assume (which I do not like to do) they are either talking about city expansion or doing more on the world map. I am currently on the green in Research but have checked all the other levels.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hi Golden! Thanks for reporting this issue :)

This should indeed be 'research city expansion'. As this is a text issue, I will move this thread to that forum.

This issue was also reported here - thanks folks!


Not showing this one fixed yet. The quest is still reading Map expansion


There seems to be a quest with a unique title for every City Expansion research requiring to research 'map expansion', I just got one with the title 'Space to Live'.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2015-02-23 13:58:59.png