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Duplicate [Wrong text]: Confirmation spend diamonds


Description: When i'm scouting a new expansion about of new relic, the game show a downcounter where there is a button with diamond icon.
If i click on this button, the game shows an another popup with a wrong text (Video 1, 0:14s)

Step by Step:
1)I log into my account
2)I wait which my empire is loading
3)I click on the "World map" button on the center menu of the game
4)I wait which the map is loading
5)I click on the new expansion for a new marble relics.
6)I pay the 1200 gold money to scouting this marble relics, and this event is called as "Scouting..."
7)When i put the mouse over this marble relics during the "Scouting" timer, there is a button where i will spent five diamonds
8)If i click on this button, the game shows a confirmation message where there is a wrong text (Video 1, 0:14s)

Wrong text: "You want to by this for: icon_diamonds 5" (*)

Right text:
"You want to explore this for: icon_diamonds 5"

(*)PS: I don't know the right correct phrase after the "You want to explore this for: icon_diamonds $num_diamonds"

Browser: Google Chrome 40.0.2214.91 m
Flash player version: WIN 16,0,0,287,
OS:Windows 8.1 Pro
Size Monitor:1366x768
Monitor: AMD Radeon HD 7670
Nickname: etms51

Server: Beta 1
Version game: 0.8.12335

Video 1 =>

please fix this confirmation text which it is a wrong text.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks etms51 :)

Confirmed. I would suggest the correct text would be 'Do you want to explore this province for 5 (diamond icon)?', or maybe 'Do you want to buy this for 5 (diamond icon)?' if the confirmation box is the same across several different premium features.


Thanks etms51 :)

Confirmed. I would suggest the correct text would be 'Do you want to explore this province for 5 (diamond icon)?', or maybe 'Do you want to buy this for 5 (diamond icon)?' if the confirmation box is the same across several different premium features.

I think is a good text this phrase: 'Do you want to explore this province for 5 (diamond icon)?'