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Duplicate Wrong name for new shards


Game version:v1.7.5-(1604f8d) (2016-05-30 9:58)
Game world: beta1
Browser + version: Firefox 46.0.1
Flash Player version:21,0,0,242
Operating System: win8.1
Screen resolution: 1440x900
Account name: Cacaoo
Humans or Elves: Elven

Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always

Quest title:-

Current situation: When get a new shard or check my shards I see wrong names of new shards.
Expected situation: I want to see correct names. (Tome of secrets, Golden Abyss)

Reproduction Steps
win a province
B. check, how many shards do u have

Screenshots of the bug:
shard1.jpg shard2.jpg shards.jpg


Yep, I reported this in the bug forum. I'm not sure if they're pulling from the wrong field, or just forgot to replace the working names with the final names in their database. Either way, it definitely needs to be fixed.