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Answered Why build Simple Trails?


I ask myself what is the advantage to build Simple Trails.
They are (in my eyes) expensive compared with the little culture they bring, but I see all my rankingneighbors had exchanged there Foodpathes.
Is it a matter of Status or can samebody explain the meaning of Simple Trails, that I probably missanderstand?


Getting 10 culture points for each tile doesn't sound that bad to me. And with ppl having alot of goods it shouldn't be a problem to pay for them. Culture is important I'd say.


I've simply build them for the culture.. It's "only" 10 culture per tile, but in the end it still gives an approximate 1500-2000 culture :D


As your city grows you need A LOT of culture --- there are buildings which devour almost 40 culture with a single update, and you'll be updating many buildings, not just a single one. Thus if I have 30 pieces of road in my city and I can get 300 culture from them, the price is worth paying. Plus, 5 of each tier 1 goods seems expensive when you unlock the roads, but it's not that much latter on (compared to researches or building upgrades which require 1000-2000 of each goods).


I have mountains of marble,steel and wood atm, so the extra culture i get from them comes in very handy.


One of the scarcest resources is space. The goods cost is not that bad and the tile is already taken because you need the road so why not get a little culture from it.

I do keep a few footpaths though because I can delete and rebuild them for free. It makes it easier to rearrange my town when I need to. I can delete some footpaths giving me space to move things around.