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Not a Bug Where are my planks?


Although it's almost impossible to monitor your goods storage, this time I'm very sure, that a big trade of planks didn't find it's way into it :(. I've had similar impressions quite a few times, but because I wasn't sure I thought i may have missed something...

Edit: After relogging finally the planks were in place... this is a very misleading and irritating update bug :(.


You need to reload the site, else the goods won't show up before next login. I've made that experience lately as well.


Sometimes trades may take a while to be processed, so the receiving of your goods may be delayed a while. If at any point you feel you're missing goods or ample time has passed and you have not received what you should have from a trade you made, please send in a support ticket. The staff there will be able to check the logs and see what did or didn't take place.


It was not about accepting a trade (this seems to work for me as expected always), but reading a notification about another player having accepted my trade offer a reasonable time ago (and not getting the correct number of goods until relogging).