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What to research next for best effect ..?


Advanced Sword Dancers (Axe Barbarian equivalent) or the next unit size increase on the same research line? I have a quest for the Sword Dancers, but originally was thinking that the unit increase would give me better killing power as it would affect ranged units too.

Any opinions from those that have already made the choice?


I went with advanced for the attack bonus first and it worked out ok... I can't say one way or the other is better though since I could only do one :)

(I also spent time reading the Elvenar Wiki stuff just to make sure that's what I wanted to do)


Here's Sword Dancer II: http://prntscr.com/61j6na

Compared to Sword Dancer I, the advanced version has +7 health and a bit more damage (+2 I think). On top of that it has +20% attack damage versus long-ranged units (Mortars, Steinlings, etc.). It's working fine this way, but I think if I had the option to re-do this I'd go with squad size increase because as you pointed out it would affect my Archers as well.

But I would agree with Tinker, I can't really say which one is better because I've only tried one. And since the upgrade works good versus Mortars (my arch-nemesis), I'm pleased with it.


if I had the option to re-do this I'd go with squad size increase because as you pointed out it would affect my Archers as well
Actually, that's exactly why I chose to go with Sword Dancer II first. I did not have a lot of squads at the time and I knew if I advanced the size of each squad, my overall number of squads would go down. I advanced the units I already had and started producing more units so the effect of the bigger squad size wouldn't have as much of an effect when I researched it.

You just have to choose which works best for what you have.


If there are only serious battles left for you, you should postpone further battles (even if tempted otherwise ;) ) until you have researched the advanced sds and both size increases to minimize your losses (your next quest will ask you for the two size increases).
A sidenote: The (basic) sword dancers waiting in your barracks will automatically be converted into advanced ones once your research is finished. Assemble as many of them as you can, they will be advanced with supply and time investment of basic ones. This in my opinion speaks for size increase first in order to raise some more troops before conversion.


You're right, but it's REALLY hard to do that without boredom setting in :D
Oh yes, I spent more than a week without a single fight, because I would have surely lost. The research gap until you can become active again and whip your armies out of their slumber with good chances of victory is truly wide.
Who said patience was an elven virtue? ;)


Thanks all :) I think that it shows good tech tree design when I need to ask which way to go.