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what the hell is going on


guys, i just had a message from one of our members, Sirth Lord, about 146 in a rank, she is saying her portal and farms gone!!! sois it a new bug? she is like very advanced, and she'd have had all the farms now and all, and now she says in addition to expansions etc bugs, her portal and farms gone completely. I mean, seriously? you guys gone to easter break and u dont care about stuff like that?? i work overtime if there is an emergency including bank holidays and weekends. this IS an emergency!


Your fellow shipmate will have to send in a support ticket
They wont discuss individual accounts on forum due to German privacy laws or something to that effect


Reloading a lot and interacting with the game between reloads (collect stuff, spend kp, visiting the world map, etc.) brings most of the town back for me. Fairy buildings seem to be harder to get out of the other "dimension" though.


Sith lords portal and farms are not just invisible to her I visited the city and there is no portal or farms visible to me
The other buildings are visible I refreshed and cleared 3 times and still no portal and farms
All my buildings in my city are visible to me
This sounds like something related to that account and not the bug that makes buildings disappear and then appear on refresh


It looks like the invisible buildings are global and not only at the players end owning the city.
A fellow of mine wasn't seeing all her workshops and visiting her I didn't saw them either.

If you visit my city right now you should also see no fairy buildings except some flower lanes.


trust me, she is almighty fed up, and she is a diamond player, she sounds like she want to give up tho.


Well-Known Member
I've found clearing the cache and relogging in helps and then it's just a matter of perseverance. If I keep reloading and keeping the cache emptied it eventually brings all the buildings back. I just try not to log off or refresh after that and it remains playable..with all buildings visible for the rest of the day.


A workaround for this bug is/can be: start production in your Magic Academy, then reload the game. This works most of the times, but do realize that the issue can return, "requiring" you to perform the workaround again. We are of course working on fixing this issue properly.


It seems to me the more they trie to fix the more bugs they create

missing expansion
barrack bug
magical academy bug
missing buildings

anyone can guess what will be the next bug ??? still a few possibilities available haha


Bugs are part of the show. As Beta testers we will have to deal with them all the time. That's the price we have to pay for getting updates earlier than all the other players.

What bothers me a little are the repeating bugs, which means bugs that have already been fixed showing up again. And how they sometimes take a lil long till some pretty important bugs blocking your game play are getting dealed with. We cannot find bugs for as long as we're not even able to have the basic game play parts working for us.


It seems to me the more they trie to fix the more bugs they create
That's typical in game development. Fixing one part of the code is more than likely to bring problems up elsewhere. The more the community gets involved in the process of discovering and isolating the bugs, the easier the job of the developers working on fixing them.