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usefulness of the blooming trader guild AW


so, the BTG lowers the fee that needs to be paid for trades outside the discovered area.

the trading system on the other hand works by taking the first ~200 cities (might be a higher or lower value) around the own city into account and reading out their offers.

so now with the player relocation (which is a good thing), for high level players, there will be all 200 cities within the discovered area. for example, I have close to 300 provinces scouted (others in the top 200 may have done a similar amount), and nearly all trades are within my discovered area (and the southern part did not yet benefit from the player relocation program).

my suggestion to this (it shouldn't be a suggestion thread, but it doesn't hurt): buff the radius of the trader too. that leads to more opportunities for trades, and makes it actually useful for high level players.


It also reduces the cost of the wholesaler, but more importantly, gives every portal a production boost. A high level ancient wonder can come in handy with future guest races, as it is already nice to have one with the current guest race. Production times are long so an extra boost is always good to have.

Furthermore, every ancient wonder will eventually outscore any other building in the game, so for the real ranking players, the more ancient wonders, the better.


okay, a production boost for portals is a nice thing (somehow I missed that).

and the wholesaler is another good thing to have :)

thanks for clarification.