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Not a Bug Unable to start production in anykind of manufactory after latest Edge Update


Game version: v1.56-(08fef7e75)-(master) (2018-05-31 17:11)
Game world: Beta
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win10
Screen resolution: __
Account name: Katzenprinz
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Current situation:
I had an Windows Update earlier ago and after that I cannot open any kind of building anymore. If I click on it, nothing happens.

I tried it with Firefox instead and everything works just fine. That's very strange.

Only difference I saw, was that Edge uses an older Flash version. You think that could be the problem?

Expected situation:
Would be nice to be able to enter my buildings again. ^^

Reproduction Steps:
1. Enter game with Edge Browser
2. Choose anykind of production building you like and click on it.
3. Nothing happens

Screenshots of the bug:
Well, screenshots of not working windows are hard to produce, so I guess you will have to live without them this time. ^^


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Im sorry but this is not something our developers can do something about, since they are not developping Edge aswell (where the problem is)
I can only suggest to try and get the latest flash, and if it still doesn't work, then i suggest to switch to another browser.