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Not a Bug Unable to get to World Map


Game version: v1.118-beta.15-(d639085) - html5 (2020-11-18 09:13)
HTML5 Yes/No: Yes
Game world: ZZ1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Firefox 83.0 (64-bits)
Flash Player version: -
Operating System or Mobile Device: Windows 10 Enterprise
App version: -
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Lord Soth
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:
When I try to enter the world map it gets stuck on the loading screen :(

Expected situation:
To enter World Map

Reproduction Steps:
  1. Open game
  2. Click on World Map icon
  3. Get stuck on loading screen
Edit: With Flash I'm able to get to World Map
Last edited by a moderator:


Seems we got another update to v1.118-beta.16-(8751c15) - html5 (2020-11-18 12:23) because now I'm able to go to the world map. ;)


Would be nice to see this as "Confirmed" instead of "Not a Bug" just because you guys updated the game meanwhile. :(
I just love diamonds (not only a girl's best friend) . :D


Well-Known Member
Would be nice to see this as "Confirmed" instead of "Not a Bug" just because you guys updated the game meanwhile. :(
I just love diamonds (not only a girl's best friend) . :D
maybe the world map didnt load, because the update was happening at that exact time?

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
I have this happen at seemingly rare and random times, both on Beta and Live, where the loading bar stops about halfway and never finishes, forcing me to reload the game. And rare meaning maybe once every week at the most, and usually so seldom that I forget it can happen.