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Not a Bug Unable to attack in Bottom Left Hand Corner of the map


Hi guys

I have Necromancer cornered in the bottom left hand hex and I cannot hit her because it is too near the troop list and keeps highlighting the "finish move" button. Not sure if it is a bug or the settings on my monitor, I am using a small widescreen tv as a monitor and it is set for 1280 x 720.

I had to finish the battle in automatic mode



Thank you Laobhan for reporting this to us. It may be because of the resolution, will test to check that out. In the meantime, in the bottom right corner you'll find the game settings (icon of a gear), once you click that a list of various option will appear and one of them (the third one going from top to bottom) is the ability to enter the game in Fullscreen mode. This should help you click the enemy.


Hey Laobhan, we have tested this with that specific resolution and a few others as well, and it is still possible to click the unit in the bottom left corner, even though it is a bit hard to get to a click-able spot. However, this would be classified as something that needs to be ironed out with future game design, and it's not an issue of existing content not working. A player suggested idea which would also help with this has been submitted to the developers sometime ago, might be that will eventually come to fruition. In the meantime, you can try either going "Fullscreen" mode, or modify your browser's zoom so that you can see a better portion of the battlefield. Both of those should help you more easily locate a click-able spot.