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New Game Features Training Troops


For my self & I am sure a lot of others that have small cities, & maybe even some of the larger ones, it would help if we could train 5 troops in barracks, training grounds & the mercenary at the same time, as it is now, we can only train 5 troops. I run out of troops when trying to do tourney & spire, way too soon & don't have enough goods to cater which by the way I don't ever do in the spire, as it is a waste of goods that I don't have to waste. I have a small city in both Beta & in W world, plus a large one in C world. You want us to fight then make it possible to have the troops that we need. Not all of us have the time instants to use to train troops faster nor do we have the money to buy diamonds to do so. I for one live on a fixed income, so diamonds is last on my list. I play this game for fun & enjoyment, not for racking my brain or for frustation, there is enough of that in the real world.


Well-Known Member
This is often suggested, but the developers feel that the production levels are currently balanced.
What this means is if you could produce in all 3 at once then the production would be reduced to 1/3 or the size of fights would be increased to 300% and you'd be right back where you started (except even worse off because you'd be forced to train troop types you might not want)