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Battle Training costs


I would like to see the possibility to decide if you pay the training cost with supplies (as now) or coins (new feature). Like the wholesaler I would suggest costs like this (for elves):
1 Archer = 12 supplies (now) or 120 coins (new)


To me it seems to be a question of city layout. As you know, you have to pay supplies to solve encounters (for training units or buying encounters or even to produce goods to buy encounters), you just have to build enough workshops in order to produce the amount of supplies needed. Because I currently have many residences in my city, but get along with 6 workshops, in my opinion there is no need to have the possiblity to spend even more coins and less supplies. Also the balance between fighting and buying encounters could be affected.


I don't think this would affect the game balance very much. But this suggestion seems to be uninteresting seeing the mass of replies;) so I accept the loss:D