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Trader Trading goals


Issue: So many people have problems trading and I think one of the reasons may be that some folks aren't active enough in trading. Some traders are better than others.

Suggestion 1: Therefore, I had a thought. What if there was some sort of trading ranking/goal? You could gain trader ranking points the more of your trades that are accepted. That would give people a reason to post lots of trades. People tend to try to get good rankings.

This is just an example of the concept: If you accept a trade you get a point. If you place a trade you get a point. If you visit the trader every day for a week, then you get two points a day after that for being an "active" trader. If you miss a day, you then have to visit the trader 7 days in a row again to be eligible for the bonus trading points each day.

Suggestion 2: If you don't like rankings, you could have badges of different levels to try to work towards and the more trades that you place that are accepted, and the more trades you accept, the higher your badge. Again, with a bonus if you go to the trader each day. That badge could be displayed somewhere.

Benefits: Having trading goals would give people a reason to produce more of a good than they need themselves (which would be good for everyone in the community around them). It would also give people a reason to enter the trader each day and not to miss a day.


You may be interested in this thread, where I posted another suggestion to form a trading/neighborhood ranking, combining it with the goal for a player to get a chance to be promoted into a neighborhood with higher activity by being an active trader.


Here are two options of things to do with the trading points:

A. Nothing. They would just be ranking points the same way you are ranked overall in the game. You would have your overall ranking (based on culture and worker points) and have a trading ranking (based on your trading ranking). I was thinking it would just be another goal to work towards (the same way people work towards moving up in the overall ranking).

or better yet, based on myselfandi's implied suggestion and Methusu's suggestion:

B. The higher your trading ranking/or trading badge, the cheaper goods would be for you from the wholesaler and the further you could expand from your city. Instead of only going as far as you can now, you could go another hex out as your ranking/badge increased.

Rationale behind B:
As the better the traders should get better deals with a wholesaler and would be welcome in more towns. Right? I mean, if this was a real city and you were known in town as an excellent trader, then the wholesaler would give you better deals because you were a good customer and all the people in nearby towns would have heard of you and would want to do deals with you.

Reason for implementing it: If your goods were cheaper, then you could buy more of them and negotiate more encounters and get even more trading partners....this would be of benefit to the individual player as well as all players.

Methusu: I don't think it would be possible to transport you to different parts of the map (if I read your suggestion correctly). But, I added the part about expanding the trading area trying to incorporate your idea. I hope that is ok.


I don't think it would be possible to transport you to different parts of the map

I didn't write it in the mentioned post, but elsewhere, that at the moment I believe, that it's difficult, but not impossible to move cities properly.