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Duplicate Tracking of Wonders


Hello Devs!
Would it be possible to have an icon which lists all the Wonders we are
contributing to, and their current status ie points donated and points
to next level? Don't like to mention other games as an example, but
it is another Inno game, sooooo.... As in Forge of Empires, we
have a tab to show all the Great Buildings we are contributing to.
This is a great help and we can see where our points are at a glance,
and how far to level it still has to go.
Comments? Feedback?
Thank you :D


yes, we need a wonder contribution overview to track our contributions, now I get lost on which ones I contributed and which not.


Glad to see other people would appreciate this addition. Anything that becomes so
cumbersome to keep track of that you need paper notes or a spreadsheet, tells you
it's time for the game to make an addition to content to cover that aspect.


this suggestion is supported as well by a member of my fellowship who is not yet on the forum :)