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Tournament rewards logic


So can anybody explain to me the reverse logic in the rewards for tournaments. You would figure the further away a tournament is from your home base the better the reward would? Or is my Spock like brain logic backwards.
So in round 1 all my 18 tourneys give 2KP great, then next round 2 is 4KP for 1st 4 tourneys only then back to 2KP from round 5 onward. Why is that?
This game has always said the further you go the harder it gets, therefore rewards should either stay 4KP for all in round 2 or go up, not down.

Explain to me the logic behind this as i have no use to ever go past tourney 4 in round 2 in any tourneys if it stays like this, as runes and other stuff in round 3, 4 & 5 are no value to me, and I cannot reach 6 ever so who knows what prize is there.

By the way when are you guys going to move me in an area where active players live so we can perhaps get checkpoint bonus too? as where i am at i cannot achieve that either


It appears that the rewards are the same for all of the tournaments in each round, but they double for each round. We've seen mixed results, but at least a few of the higher level tournaments award Rune Shards, rather than Relics + Knowledge Points

There's no requirement for completing every round, so you have have a mixture of rounds and thereby awards, although you do have to "unlock" the tournaments ring by ring, which ends up being in order of difficulty. There were some bugs that allowed too many sectors to unlock during subsequent rounds, but those bugs seem to have been fixed.
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The number of tournaments that offer increased benefits, and the amount of those benefits for the second tournament level may be based on how many tournaments were completed before the second round tournaments opened up. I have already finished second round, but I will monitor the third.
Feedback from others would help answer this issue. Wiki is unclear as to how benefits are determined.


It appears that the rewards are the same for all of the tournaments in each round

All of you may see that, but there are a lot of us who are getting different rewards for the tournaments in the same level. I am experiencing the same thing that MandM said. I get higher rewards for the first few tournament provinces in each level.


So can anybody explain to me the reverse logic in the rewards for tournaments. You would figure the further away a tournament is from your home base the better the reward would? Or is my Spock like brain logic backwards.
So in round 1 all my 18 tourneys give 2KP great, then next round 2 is 4KP for 1st 4 tourneys only then back to 2KP from round 5 onward. Why is that?
This game has always said the further you go the harder it gets, therefore rewards should either stay 4KP for all in round 2 or go up, not down.

I would say it's the way it is to encourage more players to do at least the first tournament provinces and also give players, who don't have so much goods/troops/time some decent rewards and don't let the gap to active players get very big, if it would be the other way round it would feel (at least for me) like being forced to to so and so much provinces to finally reach the good rewards, so i think its perfectly fine as it is.
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