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Fixed Tournament Province Tooltip has wrong text


Game version: v1.5-2ff7b61-(staging) (2016-04-27 9:17)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Microsoft Edge 25.10586.0.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 2736 x 1824
Account name: Grace
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: N/A

Current situation:
In the planks tournament, I have opened 10 provinces. I have many more than this available, but I chose to only open 10. On round 2, I played only the first 9 again. Now, the "Tournament provinces unlocked" line in the tournament window has a red "10" and the tooltip (card? thingy that pops up?) reads: "You have unlocked more Tournaments than you have finished provinces of this type. Finish more provinces on the world map to play the unlocked provinces." Actually, I have close to 30 planks provinces available, I just haven't played any tournaments beyond the first 9 yet. So I could unlock more Tournaments without finishing more provinces.

Expected situation:
The text is incorrect. It should say something like, "You must complete more level 1 tournaments to unlock additional provinces."

Reproduction Steps
Complete 9 tournaments (which opens a 10th).
2. Go back 16 hours later and play at least 2 of the original 9 tournaments again.
3. Review error message in tooltip.
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Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hi Grace, thank you for reporting this issue, and my apologies for the delayed reply. We will check with our Game Designers what the intended behaviour is here and amend the text as necessary :)

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
We've checked this with our Game Designers, and the code is working as intended. This is therefore a text error, so I have moved this thread to our text errors section. The description in the tooltip will be changed soon, quite likely with our next update. Thanks again for reporting this :)