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Not a Bug Tournament NEWS pop up over and over again


Well-Known Member
Well, I got this news "Let the Tournaments begin" 20+ times now ... perhaps sometimes it will not show up again, or there will be the possibility to set a checkbox to "read/confirmed".


same here
I clicked the link in the box to open a new tab to the announcement in the forum (that I had already read), but to no avail
it keeps coming back ...


Well-Known Member
Well, the game does not recognize if you click the link in the news text, which leads to the forum. It is just a normal URL = web address.

The game itself has to trigger, how often the news (window) was shown and stop that after one or more times, or on a specific date (which I don't know is set by Inno).

If Inno wants to show the news more then once, there should be - read above - the possibility to tick it off.


I hope it was not intentional as you suggest, that the news is to be shown untill a specific date .. because that would be really annoying.


Well-Known Member
Haha, no - not intentional nor suggestive.

I opened this issue, because it is not the first news, that pops up more often then i! like. And, there is some way build in to the game to not let it pop up after some ... time/counts/date??

BUT, I don't know how Inno handles this. For me, it is ok to see such a news message only once or at least only that long I did not tick it to nirvana ;)
As long as the ingame message is active it will show upon every login (or reload) of the game. We know that this can be annoying, which is why we try not to use it too often and if we do not to have the messages up for too long. We are working on a new system to deliver news to you ingame in a way more userfriendly way, but unfortunately this is not yet completed yet, which is why we have to use the system we currently have. :)