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Not a Bug Tournament enemies have too many squads


In the tournament there should only be 5 squads of enemies. Instead, they are behaving like normal fights and have anywhere from 4 to 8 squads.

(I sure hope this is a bug).

Playing on Chrome
v1.15.5-(9f37d16) (2016-09-20 9:44)
I am an elf
I have completed 313 provinces


But unlike a normal province the squad sizes do not alter based on the number of groups as tournament squads are fixed. So for a 5v5 fight my squad size is 72 and enemy is 58 but for a 5v8 fight the squad sizes are the same. In a normal province the squad size for 8 groups is usually scaled down due to the increased number...
In my tournament province the squad size does scale !? For example against 5 squads the size is 211 ceberus, against 4 squads the size is 254 ceberus and against 8 squads the size is only 150 cerberus.