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Battle Tournament battles should display accurate squad info!


Currently, in the pre-battle window for tournaments, the info for your units is displayed as if you're fighting with your normal squad size. However, this is only accurate for tournament province 20, as this is the only province that actually uses your normal squad size. Everywhere else, it's very confusing and somewhat misleading to check the info on your units pre-battle for say, province 1 and see the stats of a squad that's 20x larger than what you're actually fighting with. It additionally makes it more difficult to compare how our units actually stack up against our enemies in tournaments.

As always, I'm not sure just how tricky this would be to implement. But if enemy stats are always accurately displayed despite their squad sizes changing even from battle to battle in the same province, I'd like to imagine that such a thing would be very possible for our own units as well. :)