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Duplicate Tounament rewards don't fit into the window


Well-Known Member
Game version: __ Elvenar v1.51(60ee61fd)
Game world: __Beta
Browser/IOS/Android + version: __IE 11.0.56
Flash Player version: __28.0.0.137
Operating System: __Windows 7
Screen resolution: __1920:1080
Account name: __Avenahar
Humans or Elves: __Elf

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
__window with fellowship rewards for the tournament shows the line of rewards on the very right (Ancient knowldge 5) and very left (Chest) outside the rewards window (see screenshot)

Expected situation:
__all the rewards are visible inside the window either collected in a chest or scollable by a bar
2018-03-17 19_35_38-Elvenar - Fantasy City Builder Game - Internet Explorer_1.jpg

Reproduction Steps
__window with fellowship rewards for the tournament shows the line of rewards on the very right (Ancient knowldge 5) and very left (Chest) outside the rewards window (see screenshot)
2. __window with fellowship rewards for the tournament shows the line of rewards on the very right (Ancient knowldge 5) and very left (Chest) outside the rewards window (see screenshot)
3. __window with fellowship rewards for the tournament shows the line of rewards on the very right (Ancient knowldge 5) and very left (Chest) outside the rewards window (see screenshot)
4. __window with fellowship rewards for the tournament shows the line of rewards on the very right (Ancient knowldge 5) and very left (Chest) outside the rewards window (see screenshot)
5. __window with fellowship rewards for the tournament shows the line of rewards on the very right (Ancient knowldge 5) and very left (Chest) outside the rewards window (see screenshot)